Sovereign Decarbonization Program: No New Coal Is Within Reach

The number of gigawatts of proposed new coal power plants has collapsed by over 70% since 2015 as countries turn their back on coal. Given the poor economic prospects for new coal power plants, and the strong political push to end new coal at the G7 and in the runup to COP28, the goal of ending the construction of new coal plants could be within reach. Though there is still some 35 GW of pre-construction capacity in the pipeline, much of this capacity is not needed and will leave countries saddled with higher energy prices and long-term financial risk. 

In this webinar, we explained where the remaining pipeline for new coal was located, discussed the reasons why these projects were still being considered, and highlighted the role that investors could play to persuade governments and utilities that there were better alternatives.


Julia Skorupska, Head of Secretariat, Powering Past Coal Alliance

Arturo C. Porzecanski, Senior Advisor, EMIA (moderator)